Monday, June 10, 2013

Coming Soon: "Safari"
New show directed by Berengere Brooks & Samuel Hokororo
16th June, Day of African Child, 
Don Bosco, Upanga, 10 am (invitation only)
21st June, World Music Day, Kijitonyama, Postal Grounds, 5 pm
22nd June, World Refugee Day, Nafasi Art Space, 6 pm

with the support of DSG,
 Nafasi Art Space, Alliance Francaise, Goethe Institute.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

"Women", a new show by Makini

A New Show directed by Berengere Brooks and Samwell Hokororo
Friday 8th of March at the Alliance Francaise, 6.30.
Saturday 9ht of March at Nafasi Art Space, 6.30.

with the support and help of UN WOMEN Tanzania