Vision: All children have their rights to protection, provision and participation full met and are empowered and respected as valuable members of their communities.
Street Children data and findings:
Reasons children end up on the streets:
There are different reasons to why children and youths leave their home environment and end up in labor and/or on the streets: a) a sudden drop in family income; loss of support from an adult family member due to illness, death or abandonment, b) cultural expectations (such as the idea that a boy should go to work on the streets as soon as he is able and girls in domestic service), c) desire for consumer goods, or the lure of the city, following peers, traffickers, ignorance of dangers and risks to children and youths away from home, d) abuse, neglect and violence in the home environment. In sum it is often a combination of stressors on different causal levels that has this result.
Whether it is in the family or outside family
environment, a high number of Tanzanian children is suffering from abuse,
neglect, exploitation and violence. The full extent of the problem is, in fact,
not yet known. From the rapid assessment in Dar es salaam in 2012 shows that
3000 children were living on the streets by that time, and the number of street
children keeps on increasing day after day. The head count research conducted
in 2017 shows that there are 10,000 children living on the streets in the major
6 cities.
The Violence Against
Children study, which was a household survey, clearly shows that child protection
violations are rampant in Tanzania; one in three girls and on in seven boys
have experiences sexual abuse during their childhood and almost all the
children had experienced excessive physical abuse by the hands of the people
they know and should be the first to protect them from any harm; parents,
relatives, teachers and other in their close community. No such comprehensive
survey has been conducted of children living outside a family environment, but
smaller assessments indicate that the situation abuse, neglect, exploitation
and violence are even higher, and especially more frequent. Reasons children end up on the streets:
There are different reasons to why children and youths leave their home environment and end up in labor and/or on the streets: a) a sudden drop in family income; loss of support from an adult family member due to illness, death or abandonment, b) cultural expectations (such as the idea that a boy should go to work on the streets as soon as he is able and girls in domestic service), c) desire for consumer goods, or the lure of the city, following peers, traffickers, ignorance of dangers and risks to children and youths away from home, d) abuse, neglect and violence in the home environment. In sum it is often a combination of stressors on different causal levels that has this result.
The Team:
Chair person - Amina Abdallah
Executive Director of the organization - Ms Nyakwesi Silas Mujaya
Program Director - Mrs. Nyamagesa Laban
Project Supervisor - Gijs Maria De Wit
Finance Director - Mr. Magesa Japhet
Social Worker - Mr. Omari Mleche
- Ms. Sakina Tindu
Administrative officer - Mr. Edgar Manyama
Art trainers - Ms. Karen Harris
Mr. Elisha Kikoti
Mr. Vasco Adorati
Mrs. Aziza Iddi
Mr. Kalala Mbwembwe Mohamed
Mr. Jimmy Ngenzi
Outreach trainers/social workers - Mr. Emmanuel Nsyengula
- Ms. Elizabeth Massawe
Supporting trainers/ Assistant trainers - Amina Yahaya
- Mr. Abdi
- Mr Shabani
- Mr Saidi
- Ms. Zainab
Main Goal:
There are no more children living or working
on the streets in Tanzania.
Goals of the organization:
1. To enable the children and youth to
discover and develop artistic talents
2. Trough the practice of art to restore their self-estime and
confidence and to make them realise and believe in their future as positive
actors of the society
3. To bring basic material short term
solutions in terms of food, education, health and housing
4. Re-Create a link with families if the child
agrees in order to facilitate a possible reintegration of the household
Thanks for share this post and keep share for child care ngo in delhi. Its valuable and nice information .